radical results



Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our seventh Moonshots Master episode, and we are tackling a huge topic: ENTREPRENEURSHIP

To get us started we hear from some of the most well-known and highly regarded entrepreneurs and authors out there. Darren Hardy kicks us off with a breakdown of what it means to be an ‘Exception’ and how it takes guts to succeed. We then hear Steve Jobs’ entrepreneur story and how he battled against settling for less. Continuing our journey into inspiration Warren Buffet motivates us by stating how he ‘tap dances to work’.

Now we are inspired. It's time to learn the hard truths about being an entrepreneur, and who better to share wisdom than Elon Musk who had to contend with criticism from his heroes. Helping us understand the value of starting on day one with a single-minded framework we hear from Michael E Gerber who prepares us for scale with the story of Ray Kroc and McDonald’s. Helping us analyze and understand why some businesses fail and others don’t, we learn from Bill T. Gross and his study into the reason for success being timing and teams.

To help us grab the opportunities and learn from the documented mistakes made by others, we hear from three entrepreneurial authors. First up we hear from Moonshots royalty Simon Sinek who says to start with WHY to inspire action. Next, we hear from Tim Ferriss who gives us 5 tips for starting a kick-ass business. Closing out the show we have some very practical tips from Eric Ries on how to utilize a lean methodology to define - and release - a Minimum Viable Product.

The Art Of Communication

The Art Of Communication

Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our sixth Moonshots Master episode, and here we are breaking down the number one business skill: the ART OF COMMUNICATION.

To inspire us on the importance of communicating well, we hear from Sharon Ellison who helps us identify if we are being defensive in our communication. We then delve into a Moonshots-favourite as Cal Newport breaks down the limitations of email and electronic communication. Sir Alex Ferguson then communicates the importance of saying ‘well done’ and positive communication to teams, rounding out how we utilise encouragement.

Helping us comprehensively understand the power of communication, we hear from William Ury who’s passion for good listening enabled him to work with the President of Venezuela. Cal Newport then breaks down the overwhelming effect of smartphones complicating communication and what he means by the ‘hyperactive hive mind’. Lastly, Julian Treasure gives us 5 practises to listen better.

To help us develop daily habits that cultivate good communication, we have practical tips from 3 thought-leaders. First, we hear world champion public speaker Dananjaya Hettiarachchi’s 4 essential body language tips. Simon Sinek encourages us to manage effective confrontation using the ‘FBI’ framework (Feelings, Behaviour, Impact). Finally, Julian Treasure provides us 5 simple exercises to do every day that can encourage conscious listening.

Circle Of Influence

Circle Of Influence

Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our fifth Moonshots Master episode, and here we are breaking down the CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE.

Opening up our minds to the concept, we get inspired by a series of motivational speakers, telling us to focus on you every day. We re-visit the very well-regarded Admiral William H. McRaven, who reminds us to start singing when we’re up to our necks in mud. We then hear from Robin Sharma, who reminds us to simply embrace confidence every day.

Now we’re all inspired, the next section helps us learn about the Circle of Influence, and who’s better to teach us than Stephen Covey himself. Mr Covey breaks down the Inner circle for proactive people (circle of influence), as well as the Outer circle for reactive people (circle of concern).

Now we understand the influence and mindset towards our circles, let’s work on how to make this reflection a part of our habit every day. We listen to Janis from Time Management, who has some actionable tips to stay focused. We also learn from Fearless Soul, and how we are responsible for who we agree to spend time with. Closing out the show, we hear again from Stephen Covey, who has some powerful mindset tips for us, encouraging us to remember that we can choose to carry your weather with us.

Habits: How To Create Good Daily Habits

Habits: How To Create Good Daily Habits

Hello members and subscribers! It’s time for our fourth Moonshots Master episode, and here we are breaking down the fundamentals of HABITS.

Beginning our journey we hear from the powerhouse of habits, Charles Duhigg, and get inspired to master our own behaviours. We then hear from the GOAT himself, Tom Brady, and how he continues to be at the top of his game through habitual design. We’ll also hear from Tim Ferriss and his findings through a lifetime of researching the perfect way to start your morning.

Fully inspired, let’s get into understanding habitual thinking with Daniel Kahneman, who encourages us to control our fast and slow thinking. Stephen Covey - the absolute master of habits - helps us understand to cultivate self-mastery. Finally, James Clear reveals an experiment that teaches us to celebrate the process and systems of progress, rather than the end-goal.

Closing our deep-dive into habits, we hear from Charles Duhigg on how we can create habits by altering our behaviour. We also dig into Robin Sharma’s three phases of building habits. And closing out the show we hear from Stephen Covey again, who reveals that the trick to building good habits is to focus on continuous improvements, every single day.

Master Series: Episode 03 - Teamwork Trailer

Master Series: Episode 03 - Teamwork Trailer

Hello listeners! In our third Moonshots Master episode, we provide a comprehensive breakdown of TEAMWORK.

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First up, we find inspiration in our quest for great teamwork! We hear from the master, Grant Cardone, and how nobody starts anything successful by themselves. We then bathe in Patrick Lencioni’s passion for teamwork, and how it is the greatest competitive advantage. We also delve into Google’s enormous research program, Project Aristotle, on teamwork and why some teams are successful.

Now we’re inspired, we get into team behaviors. We listen to Simon Sinek on how anyone can be a leader, before digging deeply into Patrick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a team.

We close the show by learning about the design and strategy of good teamwork. We learn about Dr Meredith Belbin’s Team Roles and responsibilities breakdown, and Bruce Tuckman's Form, Storm, Norm, Perform, before closing out with Tyler Waye’s belief in the value of perseverance and how good teams stick together.

Master Series: Episode 02 - First Principles: Trailer

Master Series: Episode 02 - First Principles: Trailer

Hello listeners! In our second Moonshots Master episode, we provide a comprehensive breakdown of FIRST PRINCIPLES.

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We get inspired by some new as well as familiar superstars who maximise their problem-solving ability through the use of First Principles.

Once fully inspired around First Principles thinking we get into case studies and hear from legends including Peter Thiel who tells us to do one thing better than anyone else.

Lastly, we find out how to make First Principles a daily habit with the help of Dreamlet, Garry Tan and Ozan Varol on how to think like a rocket scientist today.

New Episode: Daniel Kahneman: Thinking, Fast and Slow

New Episode: Daniel Kahneman: Thinking, Fast and Slow

With a Nobel prize for economics, when Daniel Kahneman does something, it’s worth paying attention to. In his book Thinking Fast And Slow, he reveals how our minds are tripped up by error and prejudice (even when we think we are being logical) and gives us practical techniques for slower, smarter thinking. It will enable you to make better decisions at work, at home, and in everything you do.

It shows you where you can and can’t trust your gut feeling and how to act more mindfully and make better decisions.

New Episode: Charlie Munger: Latticework of Mental Models

New Episode: Charlie Munger: Latticework of Mental Models

Charlie Munger is one of the greatest investors of all time. Plenty of people have called him a “learning machine.” The phrase ‘Latticework of Mental Models’ comes from Berkshire-Hathaway’s Charles Munger, who spent most of his life working out ways to, for lack of a better term, think better.

Munger has come to the conclusion that in order to make better decisions in business and in life, you must find and understand the core principles from all disciplines.

You have to learn all the big ideas in the key disciplines in a way that they’re in a mental latticework in your head and you automatically use them for the rest of your life. – Charlie Munger

This is what he calls Elementary Worldly Wisdom, and using his system of Mental Models can help you succeed in almost any endeavour.

New Episode: Shane Parrish: The Great Mental Models

New Episode: Shane Parrish: The Great Mental Models

Shane Parrish and Rhiannon Beaubien’s The Great Mental Models: Is designed to upgrade your thinking with the best, most useful, and powerful tools so you always have the right one on hand. Mental models help you improve your decision-making, productivity, and how clearly you see the world.

The old saying goes, "To the man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail." But anyone who has done any kind of project knows a hammer often isn't enough. The more tools you have at your disposal, the more likely you'll use the right tool for the job — and get it done right.

The same is true when it comes to your thinking. The quality of your outcomes depends on the mental models in your head. And most people are going through life with little more than a hammer. Until now.

Upgrade your mental toolbox!

New Episode: Albert Einstein: Problem Solving

New Episode: Albert Einstein: Problem Solving

A lot of people think that Albert Einstein’s greatest ability was his mathematical mind, but Einstein’s greatest skill was the ability to sift the essential from the inessential — to grasp simplicity when everyone else was lost in the clutter.

Problems are an integral part of everyday life. So is problem-solving. But where people differ is in their ability to solve problems. Problem-solving has a synonym today, especially in the corporate world — fire fighting. Up to 70% of employees’ time is spent ‘fire fighting’. They spend more than six hours a day grappling with problems that should not exist. Imagine what organizations can achieve if hundreds or thousands of employees get these hours daily to work on something constructive!

Some problems should be solved. Some problems should be left alone. Some problems should not exist at all.

Masters Series: Motivation: Part 2

Masters Series: Motivation: Part 2

Hello listeners! We hope you enjoyed a taster of our first Moonshots Master Series episode, as we dive into MOTIVATION.

Today we have our second trailer from our MOTIVATION episode for you to enjoy! Subscribe today to our Master Series!

We revisit some of our most popular superstars who have harnessed the power of motivation to their success, including David Goggins, Lady Gaga and Gary Vee .

As we explore models and frameworks that help us understand what drives us, we explore the Self-Determination Theory, and Daniel Pink’s secret to motivation. We get inspired by scientific journals such as Ryan & Deci’s Intrinsic Motivation so we can harness the concept that motivation is a drive we all have power over if we choose to take ownership.

Lastly, we look to the future and determine how we can make motivation a habit we exercise each day, with James Clear and Jordan Peterson.

New Episode: Cal Newport - Collection

New Episode: Cal Newport - Collection

In Episode 136 we do a Cal Newport deep dive. Similar to his book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World which refers to studying for focused chunks of time without distractions such as email and social media.

Cal challenges the belief that participation in social media is important for career capital, suggesting instead that career capital is a function of creativity, impact and control, or autonomy. Cal's been an advocate for "digital minimalism" and refers to the role email and chat play in what he calls "the hyperactive hive mind".

Master Series: Episode 01 - Motivation: Trailer 1

Master Series: Episode 01 - Motivation: Trailer 1

Hello listeners! In our first Moonshots Master episode, we are diving into MOTIVATION.

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We revisit some of our most popular superstars who have harnessed the power of motivation to their success, including David Goggins, Lady Gaga and Gary Vee .

As we explore models and frameworks that help us understand what drives us, we explore the Self-Determination Theory [hyperlink to RoninOwl YouTube clip], and Daniel Pink’s secret to motivation. We get inspired by scientific journals such as Ryan & Deci’s Intrinsic Motivation so we can harness the concept that motivation is a drive we all have power over if we choose to take ownership.

Lastly, we look to the future and determine how we can make motivation a habit we exercise each day, with James Clear and Jordan Peterson.

New Episode: Cal Newport: A World Without Email

New Episode: Cal Newport: A World Without Email

Cal Newport doesn’t like the distractions of technology. In fact, Newport thinks that our focus on technology and how it dominates modern business is holding us back. His latest book, A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload, looks to take a sledgehammer to how technology runs modern enterprise and, ultimately, our lives.

The idea is not to jettison email but to make it smarter. Instead of the back and forth, you get collaborative tools. You don’t even need to be a business owner or work in tech to have some of the messaging resonate with you, and stay with you long after you have finished. A World Without Email invites you to scrutinize how useful these tools are in your lives and reflect on the best practices.

New Episode: Joe Rogan: Rising Star Series

New Episode: Joe Rogan: Rising Star Series

Joe Rogan, the American comedian, podcaster, and UFC color commentator's unique and unconventional passion and approach has a lot to teach us. Joe embodies and is a big believer in mental models to achieve your goals, including discomfort is the way to happiness and pain is what builds character. And our personal favorite; the best thing in life is to work hard and you get what you deserve.

Rogan started working for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) as an interviewer and color commentator. In December 2009, Rogan launched a free podcast with his friend and fellow comedian Brian Redban. By August 2010, the podcast was named The Joe Rogan Experience and entered the list of Top 100 podcasts on iTunes. The podcast features an array of guests who discuss current events, political views, philosophy, comedy and hobbies. On May 19, 2020, Rogan announced that he had signed a multi-year licensing deal with Spotify, worth an estimated $100 million USD, making it one of the largest licensing agreements in the podcast business.

New Episode: Nicholas Taleb: Antifragile: Rising Star Series

New Episode: Nicholas Taleb: Antifragile: Rising Star Series

In Episode 133 we take a look at our rising star Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The scholar and former options trader who has devoted his life to problems of randomness, probability, and uncertainty.

We dive into his book, Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder and discover how to approach the world in the face of uncertainty and what lessons can we take from his work to ensure robustness, to set ourselves or your business up for potential positive and negative events.

New Episode: Abby Wambach: Wolfpack - Rising Stars Series

New Episode: Abby Wambach: Wolfpack - Rising Stars Series

Drawing on nearly two decades of teamwork and sporting successes, in her book; Wolfpack, Wambach shows us what teamwork looks like, what leadership stands for, and how you can achieve bigger goals, overcome any obstacles in your way, and unleash your true potential.

Abby Wambach has scored more international goals than any other player in history. Cristiano Ronaldo has 85, Abby has 160. Abby Wambach inspires the next generation to find their voice, unite their pack, and change the world.

"Make failure your fuel". Abby Wambach

New Episode: Jordan Peterson: Beyond Order, 12 More Rules for Life: Rules 7-12

New Episode: Jordan Peterson: Beyond Order, 12 More Rules for Life: Rules 7-12

Part 2: Rules 7-12. Beyond Order, by Jordan Peterson is presented as a counterweight to 12 Rules for Life, in part 2 we explore Rules 7-12 and how to apply these to our day-to-day lives. The prescription includes: assume responsibility for your situation, dig deep to discover your capacity for self-discipline, and work hard to make things happen!

'Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens.' Jordan B Peterson.

New Episode: Jordan Peterson: Beyond Order, 12 More Rules for Life: Rules 1-6

New Episode: Jordan Peterson: Beyond Order, 12 More Rules for Life: Rules 1-6

Beyond Order, by Jordan Peterson is presented as a counterweight to 12 Rules for Life, offering a dozen new rules organized around the idea that as well as fighting the chaos that constantly threatens to engulf our lives, the book, Peterson writes, is an attempt to explain “how the dangers of too much security and control might be profitably avoided”. The prescription includes: assume responsibility for your situation, dig deep to discover your capacity for self-discipline, and face life’s inevitable awfulness as unflinchingly as you can.

The main difference is a less individualistic approach, with more focus on friendship, marriage, and parenting, as if Peterson’s trials had underscored for him the degree to which we can only make it through life together.

New Episode: Jordan Peterson: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Rules 7-12

New Episode: Jordan Peterson: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Rules 7-12

Part Two: Rules 1 -12: 12 Rules for Life; Jordan Peterson’s book has become for some, almost a religious text, with the ‘rules’ serving as the 10 Commandments of modern life. 12 Rules for Life frames a set of life principles to live by. In part two we dive into the second half of his book to dive into rules 7-12, including; "Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t", and "Tell the truth — or, at least, don’t lie."