brene brown

Special 100th Episode

Special 100th Episode

In our 100th Episode, we mark our centenary show by taking a look at what really makes a ‘Moonshots’ thinker. We'll shine a light on past shows and ask ourselves: 1. What lessons did we learn. 2. How have we used these lessons in our own lives.

Innovators, we'll celebrate are Lady Gaga, Simon Sinek: Start with Why, Brené Brown: Gifts of Imperfection, Michael Jordan, Elon Musk, and David Goggins.

New Episode: Brené Brown Braving The Wilderness

New Episode: Brené Brown Braving The Wilderness

Braving The Wilderness challenges common notions about what it means to belong. In this episode we look into the links of feelings of unbelonging to feelings of anger and unrest. Brené Brown uses a potent combination of scientific research and storytelling to reveal what it means to truly belong. This includes remarkable tales of pain and suffering that show just how far people are willing to go to gain a sense of belonging.

New Episode: Brené Brown The Gifts Of Imperfection

New Episode: Brené Brown The Gifts Of Imperfection

Each day we face a barrage of images and messages from society and the media telling us who, what, and how we should be. We are led to believe that if we could only look perfect and lead perfect lives, we'd no longer feel inadequate. In this episode we pick Brené Browns expertise on The Gifts Of Imperfection and what we can do to accept it and succeed.