


Hello, listeners, members, and subscribers! The fourteenth Moonshots Master episode is here and we are leaping into Personal Transformation and Happiness!

We start with Tal Ben-Shahar who states that a happy life does not need to be happy all the time; instead, we should learn to embrace painful emotions and accept pain. Continuing on the path and getting us truly inspired are Shawn Achor and Oprah, who both teach us that the most successful people - in work and in life - believe that their actions have a direct effect on their outcomes.

With a foundation of inspiration, we now lean into the details by hearing from the awe-inspiring Dalai Lama, who discusses the idea of hope and gives us a lesson on the meaning of life. We then hear from a Moonshots-first thinker, Russell Brand, who introduces us to a study comparing happiness levels between lottery winners and quadriplegics, and how your inner state is more connected to your purpose than pleasure.

Helping us adopt new habits and practices to be happier today, we learn out loud with Neil Pasricha and his top 3 tips to start with a happy mindset, and how to want nothing. Closing the Master episode on Happiness is Naval Ravikant and Joe Rogan, who both talk about why we all need to make happiness our priority and understand that Happiness is a Choice.

Our recommended reading list will help you go even deeper into the topic and our shows on Happiness:

  1. 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works, Dan Harris

  2. Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, Tal Ben-Shahar

  3. The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor

  4. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, Dalai Lama

  5. Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions, Russell Brand

  6. The Happiness Equation, Neil Pasricha

  7. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness, Eric Jorgenson

What key lesson are you taking from the Master Series shows? Get in touch and let us know! Thanks for listening. That’s a wrap.

Getting Everyone on the Same Page with a Shared Vision

Getting Everyone on the Same Page with a Shared Vision

Hello members and subscribers! The thirteenth Moonshots Master episode is here and we are leaping into Leadership and Shared Vision!

As always we kick off with a slice of inspiration, and who better to get us started than Ken Blanchard who discusses how being a better manager starts with having a mindset that leans towards servant leadership, and our differentiation of vision and mission statements. We then have the heavy-weight champion, Simon Sinek, who breaks down the importance of having direction and introduces us to what a ‘Vision’ is.

Next up is 365 Careers which helps us grasp the concept of shared vision, and understand the importance of formalising a company’s purposes, goals, and values.

Looking forwards, as we plan to adopt vision and mission statements, we have Weekdone and their breakdown of how to measure objectives with team members, helping us learn how to set good OKRs. Closing out the show is Simon Sinek who has 3 ways to stress test your vision, including resilience, being inclusive, and being service-oriented.

Our recommended reading list and downloadable frameworks are available to help you go even deeper into the topic, so you can create your vision and mission statements today:

  1. Apollo Advisors, How to execute your bold business vision like Jeff Bezos

  2. Michael Hyatt, The Vision Driven Leader: 10 Questions to Focus Your Efforts, Energize Your Team, and Scale Your Business

  3. Cameron Herold, Vivid Vision: A Remarkable Tool For Aligning Your Business Around a Shared Vision of the Future

  4. Dan Sullivan, Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork

  5. Gino Wickman, Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business

  6. Michael Stawicki, Directed by Purpose: How to Focus on Work That Matters, Ignore Distractions and Manage Your Attention over the Long Haul

  7. HBR, To Lead, Create a Shared Vision

  8. Forbes, How to Create a Shared Vision in your Organisation

  9. Ellevate, 11 Steps to Creating a Shared Vision for Your Team

  10. Ken Blanchard, The One Minute Manager

What key lesson are you taking from the Master Series shows? Get in touch and let us know! Thanks for listening. That’s a wrap.

Opportunity Cost

Opportunity Cost

Hello members and subscribers! The twelfth Moonshots Master episode is here and we are diving into Critical Thinking and Opportunity Cost!

Getting us started on the journey is Brit Lewis from Mr Hancock, who talks about Trade-Offs and how an understanding of scarcity can help us grasp the number of possibilities around us. We then have a breakdown from which explains choice, Opportunity Cost definition and real-world examples demonstrating how every choice has a value.

Our recommended reading list and downloadable frameworks are available to help you go even deeper into the topic, so you can start adopting the practice of prototyping today:

What key lesson are you taking from this Master Series show? Get in touch and let us know!