The Art Of Happiness



Hello, listeners, members, and subscribers! The fourteenth Moonshots Master episode is here and we are leaping into Personal Transformation and Happiness!

We start with Tal Ben-Shahar who states that a happy life does not need to be happy all the time; instead, we should learn to embrace painful emotions and accept pain. Continuing on the path and getting us truly inspired are Shawn Achor and Oprah, who both teach us that the most successful people - in work and in life - believe that their actions have a direct effect on their outcomes.

With a foundation of inspiration, we now lean into the details by hearing from the awe-inspiring Dalai Lama, who discusses the idea of hope and gives us a lesson on the meaning of life. We then hear from a Moonshots-first thinker, Russell Brand, who introduces us to a study comparing happiness levels between lottery winners and quadriplegics, and how your inner state is more connected to your purpose than pleasure.

Helping us adopt new habits and practices to be happier today, we learn out loud with Neil Pasricha and his top 3 tips to start with a happy mindset, and how to want nothing. Closing the Master episode on Happiness is Naval Ravikant and Joe Rogan, who both talk about why we all need to make happiness our priority and understand that Happiness is a Choice.

Our recommended reading list will help you go even deeper into the topic and our shows on Happiness:

  1. 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works, Dan Harris

  2. Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment, Tal Ben-Shahar

  3. The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor

  4. The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living, Dalai Lama

  5. Recovery: Freedom From Our Addictions, Russell Brand

  6. The Happiness Equation, Neil Pasricha

  7. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness, Eric Jorgenson

What key lesson are you taking from the Master Series shows? Get in touch and let us know! Thanks for listening. That’s a wrap.

New Episode: Dalai Lama: The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living

New Episode: Dalai Lama: The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living

Every time you see him, he's laughing. And he makes everyone else around him feel like smiling. He's the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet, a Nobel Prize winner, and a hugely sought-after speaker and statesman. If you ask him if he's happy, even after so much loss, the Dalai Lama will give you an unconditional yes. What's more, he'll tell you that happiness is the purpose of life and that the very motion of our life is toward happiness.

How to get there has always been the question. The Art of Happiness is the book that started the genre of happiness books, and it remains the cornerstone of the field of positive psychology.

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." Dalai Lama