
New Episode: Ken Robinson: The Element

New Episode: Ken Robinson: The Element

The Element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion. When people arrive at the Element, they feel most themselves and most inspired and achieve at their highest levels. With a wry sense of humor, Ken Robinson looks at the conditions that enable us to find ourselves in the Element and those that stifle that possibility.

Drawing on the stories of a wide range of people, including Paul McCartney, Matt Groening, Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, and Bart Conner, he shows that age and occupation are no barrier and that this is the essential strategy for transform­ing education, business, and communities in the twenty-first century.

"The Element offers life-altering insights about the discovery of your true best self." --Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

New Episode: Jim Carrey: Memoirs and Misinformation

New Episode: Jim Carrey: Memoirs and Misinformation

Jim Carrey, Film Star, Survivor, Inspiration. From humble beginnings to superstardom, he joins an elite group of comedians who have spanned the acting chasm to achieve phenomenal success. His book; Memoirs and Misinformation is a fearless semi-autobiographical novel, a deconstruction of persona. In it, Jim Carrey and Dana Vachon have fashioned a story about acting, Hollywood, agents, celebrity, privilege, friendship, romance, addiction to relevance, fear of personal erasure, our "one big soul," Canada, and a cataclysmic ending of the world-apocalypses within and without.

"None of this is real and all of it is true." - Jim Carrey

New Episode: Elon Musk: Habits of Success

New Episode: Elon Musk: Habits of Success

Elon Musk is unstoppable! He's the most prolific and productive CEO of our times - he's even a bit cheeky. That's why we love him at the Moonshots Podcast. With his recent purchase of Twitter, he is now involved in over five revolutionary companies. So, we ask, 'how does Elon do it?'.

New Episode: Walt Disney: The Disney Strategy

New Episode: Walt Disney: The Disney Strategy

Walt Disney is famous for his ability to transform incredibly creative ideas into profitable realities. The process he used to brainstorm and develop theme parks and movies, has turned into a replicable process called “Disney’s Creative Strategy” by NLP expert Robert Dilts in 1994.

Disney’s Creative Strategy can be used to create new products or to solve problems. Its simple to use as an individual, as a team, or even as an organization. The strategy includes three roles or mindsets that each have a specific goal.

New Episode: John Cleese: Creativity, A Short and Cheerful Guide

New Episode: John Cleese: Creativity, A Short and Cheerful Guide

Creativity is usually regarded as a mysterious, rare gift that only a few possess. John Cleese begs to differ, in his practical and often very amusing book; Creativity; A short and cheerful guide (buy on Amazon) he shows it's a skill that anyone can acquire. Drawing on his lifelong experience as a writer, he shares his insights into the nature of the creative process and offers advice on how to get your own inventive juices flowing.

John Cleese believes everyone can be more creative, and in this guide, he shows us how to become more creative, overcome blocks, and how to refine and action a promising idea.

“Creativity is the ability to come up with a better way to do anything." - John Cleese

New Episode: Elizabeth Gilbert: Big Magic

New Episode: Elizabeth Gilbert: Big Magic

Elizabeth Gilbert: Big Magic: Whether we are looking to write a book, find new ways to address challenges in our work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion. In Big Magic, Elizabeth has written as a template; lessons in how to unleash your creativity.

She digs deep to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity. She offers potent insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. She asks us to embrace our curiosity. She shows us how to tackle what we most love, and how to face down what we most fear.

Elizabeth Gilbert is best known for publishing the international bestseller Eat, Pray, Love, which was turned into a movie with Julia Roberts. Eat, Pray, Love is Gilbert’s memoir of the year she spent traveling the world, where she found her spirituality in India and ultimately fell in love again in Bali. Big Magic, discusses the attitudes, approaches, and habits we need in order to live our most creative lives. Gilbert encourages us to uncover the “strange jewels” that are hidden within each of us.