
Which Jim Collins Book To Read First

Which Jim Collins Book To Read First

Jim Collins in his own words is a student and teacher of what makes great companies tick. His timeless concepts stem from more than 25 years of rigorous research into the question of what makes the best companies and what makes great leaders. But which book should you read first? Read on, we have some clues!

Which Brené Brown book to read first?

Which Brené Brown book to read first?

We are huge Brené Brown fans. If you’ve seen the Ted Talk and are ready to dive into her books but unsure where to start? Which book should I read first? We’ve got you covered.

Brené Brown has her own order and even lists them on her site website, so who better to take advice from Brene herself and this is how she thinks the progression of her work should flow.

Brené offers brief overviews of her work at the beginning of Daring Greatly and Rising Strong, but reading The Gifts of Imperfection first, is always a good place to start.

New Episode: Esther Wojcicki

New Episode: Esther Wojcicki

In episode 83, we explore the wisdom of Esther Wojcicki & T.R.I.C.K; lessons for radical results, based on Trust, Respect, Independence, Collaboration & Kindness.

Often called the Godmother of Silicon Valley, legendary teacher, author, role model for Silicon Valley legends such as Steve Jobs (and his daughter Lisa), and the mother of three successful daughters.