
We Choose To Go To The Moon: Moonshots Thinking

We Choose To Go To The Moon: Moonshots Thinking

The idea of a ‘Moonshot’ was based on the JFK speech in 1962 that launched an ambitious space program. A moonshot today is a bold and ambitious plan: almost an impossible mission. Going hand in hand is the idea of Moonshot thinking.

In 1962, when John F. Kennedy spoke at Rice University on the nation’s space effort, he famously said, “We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy, but because it is hard… because the goal organizes and measures the best of American energy and skill.”

How David Goggins Broke the World Pull-up Record

How David Goggins Broke the World Pull-up Record

David Goggins is a Navy Seal hard man who is better known for his crazy fitness antics and pushing his body to the ultimate limits.

His book Can’t Hurt Me, looks at how his astonishing life story reveals that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities and what his world record pull-up record can teach us about failure.

What is Green Lights by Mathew McConaughey about?

What is Green Lights by Mathew McConaughey about?

Matthew McConaughey’s Greenlights is not a conventional memoir. Part autobiography and part life-guide, Greenlights both explains and illustrates McConaughey’s philosophy of “catching greenlights”— recognizing and even creating those moments when life says “yes” and you cruise into success as you pursue your destiny.

New Episode: Malcolm Gladwell: David & Goliath

New Episode: Malcolm Gladwell: David & Goliath

In Episode 93: We end our series on Malcolm Gladwell with his book, David & Goliath, and learn how and why some people overcome personal challenges to achieve amazing results and what lessons can we learn from stories of ADVERSITY to achieve our goals.