Two New Episodes: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Robbins


We have two MASSIVE new episodes; Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mel Robbins. So if you want to learn about realizing your vision or overcomnig procrastination - then check out these two.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: The Six Rules of Success

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a renowned actor, politician, and former professional bodybuilder, has shared various principles and guidelines throughout his career. Here are six key principles that can be attributed to his philosophy and life experiences.

Overcome Procrastination, Hesitation, and Self-doubt With the 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins

"The 5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins is a self-help book that presents a simple but powerful technique to overcome procrastination, hesitation, and self-doubt. The core idea behind the rule is that by counting backward from five to one, you can push yourself to take immediate action and disrupt negative thought patterns.