Moonshots Podcast: Learning Out Loud

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Announcing a Special 5-Part Series on Brené Brown:

We are thrilled to announce a unique 5-part series on the Moonshots Podcast, dedicated entirely to the groundbreaking work of Brené Brown, an American professor, author, and much-celebrated speaker known for her research on shame, vulnerability, and leadership. With six number-one New York Times bestselling books and a viral TEDx talk that has captivated millions worldwide, Brené Brown's insights into the human experience have transformed the way we see ourselves and our interactions with others.

Our listeners have expressed an overwhelming appreciation for Brené Brown's work, and in response, we've crafted a series that delves deep into her most influential books. Each episode is a treasure trove of wisdom, brought to life by our hosts Mike and Chad and, in one particular episode, Mike and Mark. Here’s what you can expect from each episode:

1. Braving The Wilderness

  • Watch the episode now: YouTube

  • Overview: Mike and Chad explore the themes of belonging and the courage to stand alone in "Braving The Wilderness." This episode is a deep dive into Brené Brown's call for authenticity and the bravery it takes to venture into the wilderness of the unknown.

2. Daring Greatly

  • Watch the episode now: YouTube.

  • Overview: Featuring an introduction with Oprah, this episode unpacks the essence of vulnerability and the strength of embracing our imperfections, as inspired by "Daring Greatly."

3. Gifts of Imperfection

  • Watch the episode now: YouTube.

  • Overview: Join Mike and Chad as they delve into "Gifts of Imperfection," discussing the power of self-empathy, authenticity, and the courage to be vulnerable across 11 insightful clips.

4. Dare to Lead

  • Watch the episode now: YouTube.

  • Overview: In this episode, Mike and Mark take you through Brené Brown's "Dare to Lead," offering enlightening insights into leadership and the importance of vulnerability in creating strong connections and courageous teams.

5. The Power of Vulnerability

  • Watch the episode now: YouTube.

  • Overview: Explore the depths of human connection and resilience in this exploration of "The Power of Vulnerability." This episode promises a transformative journey into embracing vulnerability with courage and strength.

This particular series promises to be an enlightening journey into the works of Brené Brown, providing valuable lessons on vulnerability, courage, leadership, and the importance of embracing our imperfections. Join us on this adventure as we decode the success lessons from one of our time's most influential thought leaders.

Don't miss this opportunity to dive deep into the wisdom of Brené Brown with the Moonshots Podcast. Watch, listen, and let these episodes transform your approach to life and leadership.